Einojuhani Rautavaaran tuplalevy Angels and Visitations (Ondine) vie kuulijan pohjoismaiseen mystiikkaan ja taianomaiseen tunnelmaan.
CD 1 66:10
1. Concerto for Birds and Orchestra "Cantus Arcticus" (1972) 19:23
2. Autumn Gardens 10:32
3. Piano Concerto 3:14
4. Clarinet Concerto 7:23
5. Angel of Light 10:15
6. Vigilia
7. Apotheosis 7:51
CD 2 71:39
1. Adagio Celeste for String Orchestra 7:31
2. Dances with the Winds 5:06
3. True & False Unicorn 6:14
4. Anadyomene (Adoration of Aphrodite) 12:14
4. Gift of Dreams 5:58
5. Symphony No. 1 7:40
6. Halavan himmeän alla (In the Shade of the Willow) 6:29
7. Angels and Visitations 19:16
Loppuerä 23,90 €